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CornerStone presents

Adulting: Student Loans The Good, Bad, & Ugly

1. Overall, how would you rate this webinar on a scale of 1 to 5? *

Select an option

2. Did the discussion improve you understanding of student loans and the associated benefits and risks?*

Select an option

3. Will you apply the information shared to make better decisions when evaluating financing options for higher education?*

Select an option

4. Which discussion topic was the most helpful? *

5. How satisfied were you with our guest speakers (Ashley Jost)?*

6. How satisfied were you with our guest speakers (Ivori Smith)?*

7. The moderator was well prepared and effective?*

8. What did you like most about the discussion and is there anything you would recommend that we improve?*

9. What other topics would you like to see presented for future events?*

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